Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Use The Events Cheat On The R4

Sunday work: It provides that the future law

Yesterday, in its deliberations, the court ordered the company montbrison Ossabois, national leader of the timber frame building, to pay a fine of 20,000 euros for unintentional injuries suffered by three of its employees.

The case of triple accident, which occurred on different dates, were consolidated in a single file, which was held in court Montbrison. It is the CEO of the company, as legal person, who appeared to meet these leaders quote.

Before requiring the prosecutor had stated that he had intended to take no action the first two accidents because "they were not too serious and that the company had made efforts in the field of security. But a third accident was regrettable January 3, 2008. That too much for the public prosecutor who has branded failures of organization in the workflow before claiming 30,000 euros fine which 20 000 were suspended.

The first two accidents occurred in October 2005 and February 2006 occurred on the same machine: a radial arm saw, a tool used to make wedges. Each time, the victims were temporary. In these first two reports, the inspector of the Labour Department has pointed to the same safety violations: lack of specific training should be provided to two users, the lack of medical and especially the non-compliance the machine with the guard of the blade was insufficient. For both cases, the lawyer argued the thesis that the interim had received practical training and appropriate 20 minutes, showing them the operation of the saw: "The two did not follow the guidelines, one was hung by her clothes, the other did not activate the button. " During the years 2005-2006, the CEO admitted that the company, growing, yet sized craft, was not fully aware of security. However, after these two accidents, she has a lot invested in this area, hiring a site manager and appointing a person responsible for security. Except there was the third accident, more serious, where a worker lost two fingers, still using the radial arm saw. For this third case, the defense argues "the individual failure. "The machine, which is considered dangerous, was off and a sign "do not use" had been made, the worker did not interview and has reconnected with the consequences we know. "Following this latest accident, the site director was fired. Today, five people are responsible for security in Ossabois and radial arm saws have disappeared.


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