Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dora The Explorer Hairstyle

Sunday work : What other countries do on Sunday

On Tuesday, a teacher "désobéisseur" was convened by the Disciplinary Board, eight university professors have received a wage restraint eleven days and a high school student was denied entry into Final for blocking his high school ...
Storm warning in Education. While the results of BA fell on Tuesday, the sanctions have rained all day on those who were mobilized during the year against the proposed reforms Darcos and Valerie Pecresse.

salary deductions for withholding notes

last penalty date, one of eight professors from the University of Lille II, who were sentenced to eleven days' pay less for "services not rendered." Members of the group of teachers from the Faculty of Law and Social Policy of Lille II, they had made the retention of notes in the first semester to to protest against proposed university reforms of the government.

President of Lille II, Christian Sergheraert, had sent a warning letter in early April that there would be deductions from wages from April 20 if the first half of the notes were not sent to the administration. The notes have been ski on June 12, he decided to retain the eleven days of April in the June salary of professors involved. The group of teachers of Lille II decided to file for annulment of the measure to the Administrative Court of Lille. result


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