Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Does Herbal Essence Contain Metallic Dyes

Education Act will "put an end to the Jungle" on Sunday Work, according to Xavier Darcos

A UMP is rubbed his hands Friday night. The Assembly Speaker, Bernard Accoyer said that the quality of debate "is won" after applying the new procedure restricting the time allowed to each group.

At 8:23 p.m., in fact, members of PS had exhausted their 7:50 p.m. being awarded. This has enabled the Assembly to conclude its consideration of the bill that authorizes UMP under different regimes Sunday working in tourist areas and major shopping areas of Paris, Lille and Marseille.

The overall bill, which includes two articles must be submitted to formal vote of members Wednesday before departing shuttle in the Senate.

Choice of society "

Only the UMP and the New Center approve exceptions to the Sunday work provided by the Richard Mallié (UMP). The left-wing opposition denounced a "social choice" it condemns. Richard Mallié reiterated that Sunday rest remained the norm and work, except in the tourist towns and cities.
"This is an 'amnesty' for large retailers who open illegally on Sunday" ruled Martine Billard (GDR, Greens and PCF). PS The member Françoise Olivier-Coupeau former saleswoman toys in the 70s, has dedicated his remarks to "all his former colleagues and divorced parents who see their children one weekend and two missing pot work this weekend there. "

text first distinguished tourist municipalities where Sunday work may be "Legal". In these municipalities, any compensation (compensatory rest, increase in wages) is mandatory. Negotiations between unions are planned, but not the outcome.

The government and its majority claim that this provision applies only to some 500 tourist areas. Ten times more, says the opposition.

The text also establishes the perimeters of the use of exceptional consumption (CHIPS, Lille, Marseille and Paris), where Sunday work should be offset (double pay, compensatory rest ...).

be recalled in the United States or Japan, it is not uncommon to have supermarkets open 7 / 7, 24/24.


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