The HRC calls! The HRC
Arrests for the next council, Mr. Johan Petri councilor Cdh on:
1. File management "construction" of the school playgrounds TDA
2. The charging structure of photocopiers and photocopying schools
1. Folder of the school yard ADD "
Mr. Chairman,
This inquiry follows the question asked two months ago, during a previous council.
Before I begin my inquiry, I would like to clarify one important thing ... I had echoes that in the last advice I had received the file on this issue ... You can imagine my surprise because I just got through the town clerk, dated Thursday, November 4. .
It seemed important to inform my colleagues ...
But back to the problematic file ...
The construction of playgrounds or school (last of the yard since the construction of the second is stopped) raises, sure you will agree, many procedural questions, even astonishment surprise ...
+ / - 20 000 € for the construction of playgrounds ... Or ... Needed .... YES! I repeat! Necessary for teaching our children ... (In fact, we do not spend enough to teach our county, to paraphrase one of your colleagues).
This is not a budget issue though personally I find the price high enough for this build ...
The problem lies in the procedure ...
If I may, I will summarize to understand the concern ...
1 ° There is no item on the agenda today's college prior work on authorization for construction of a playground at school TDA. I think we can say that there is a procedural error.
2 € 20 000 Sausage in 2 parts: 5000 € for the purchase of equipment using grants awarded under the Framework differential (subsidies that are paid into the municipal account despite what we tried to defend last tip) and + / - 15000 € labor using the fund "league of parents' cash hidden in the municipal account.
Attention brief comment on the subsidies of the D +: Last year we were in a transition year ... Passage of affirmative action to frame differential ... Yes, he had no plans to spend the subsidy ... BUT expenditure should be directly related to the project introduced in the last three years.
How can we make use of a credit union league to carry out work in a public building? The town knows it not fund such a demand for the good of the children of its schools? While expenditures have been made for other schools ... ( I think we do not spend enough for our schools ...)
3 ° No public market! There is a construction project of 20 000 € in a communal building! Even if funding is chopped up!
Anyway, it must be a public market, or there had to avoid slicing the market ... In both cases, there is a procedural error
... Here are three things I want to clarify with you ... Unfortunately, I feel like me again at the beginning of term of office, ... that we are in the same situation as the situation of street Viesville ...
should know that: The group
Cdh approve any renovation in a school building for the sake of children.
Cdh The group can not condone this kind of procedure in the light for the management of a building in a public building. The group
Cdh asked who gave permission without the approval of the college. The group opposes
Cdh "vigorously" in the proceedings of this case:
A. Without the authorization of college
B. Lack of procurement and planning permission
C. Using a credit to finance invisible municipal construction
How Will it clarify?
Cdh group intends to propose to council tonight, the construction of two school yards in TDA capital under communal
Thank you, Mr. Chairman
Johan PETRE,
councilor Cdh
2. Copiers
Mr. Chairman,
Following several questions, I ask you some information regarding the copiers in schools.
a. The town receives many subsidies from functioning. Operation does mean ... run! Yet, I had a chargeback echo of photocopying went directly to schools ... You can imagine my surprise, once again, since the schools do not live in theory money for their own operation. Why do we invoice for photocopying costs and photocopiers to schools? Which banks, schools they reimburse the town?
After analysis, there are many billing schools must refund the fee with a credit invisible. BUT these costs are already subsidized by the Ministry!
Appears in the municipal account two articles in receipts (article 72116148 and 72216148 with the section heading; recover photocopying costs by league parents)
Leagues parents who are administratively has no known cases of local administration, unchecked. ... You all know the term for such accounts as "ghosts."
These are not small amounts. I give you an example to get an idea for 2009:
For all schools: the handover of € 19,457.02 is from ... you understand, what kinds of boxes! And it has been 10 years that it lasts! I leave it to " mathematicians "do the math ...
So, in summary, money enters the municipal account from accounts that do not exist!! 1) The common whitens therefore money is allocated to other expenses. (This is a simple analysis of system revenues and expenditures)
2) The common diverting subsidies from the Ministry of the French community, paid for operating costs for all its schools through slush funds!
I hear the college about this because there is much agreement of the College for this procedure in operation since 2000.
Moreover, another problem, you are well aware of the legislation for two years regarding free basic education and in particular the prohibition of asking parents directly or indirectly from photocopies. With such wording in a communal account I'm not sure that free is current in our municipal education?
The HRC is strongly opposed to this practice, he hopes that no further invoices will be sent to schools.
The HRC offers clarification of administrative funds League schools because they are indispensable for children and teachers our schools when they are legislated!
not forget that these leagues are the result of work of volunteers who want to improve the welfare of children in our schools. It is inconceivable that the money from the bailout school holidays communal account !!!!!!!! THIS MONEY SHOULD BE DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTED TO SCHOOLS OUR CHILDREN !!!!!
b. Second problem: why the amounts of photocopying costs have soared this year
Thank you, Johan Petri
councilor Cdh
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