Sunday, May 30, 2010

Orbit Remote Starter Program

Inquiry for the next council

Inquiry Mr Johan PETRE, councilor for Cdh :

The regularization of the extension of a pond located at the street Gaulx.

Mr. Chairman,

Following the advice of Planning distributed to residents of the street Gaulx, let me ask you more information on the procedure followed in this case.

Indeed, the group Cdh does not affect the site as a pleasant, but the procedure for granting a building permit.

this end, I ask several questions to the Alderman jurisdiction over the matter:

1) Why a regularization of the extension of a pond? There was no permit for years?
2) there was a building permit from the building?

Mind you, you will surely agree that I am once again confused the proceedings in this folder.

Thank you for your reply,

Johan Pétré
Municipal Councillor Cdh


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