Thursday, December 23, 2010


All our wishes for a very happy holiday season!

We wish you many happy moments with your family. Much happiness to you all during these days full of magic. Gilles and Alice join me in wishing you all the good wishes and most important of all: HEALTH!
I leave you with these pictures ....

Alice took great pleasure in chatting with Santa Claus (no fear, no hesitation, and especially, no discomfort ah ah ah!)

It is labor intensive construction of a house ... it's long! Especially when we spend our time to stuff his face with the materials.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Peliculas Yonkis Legal

December and the first meeting in November 2010 storm

Hello everyone, Just a quick message
very short time to say it about a month ago, we went to visit the family of Zoe Samuel Beauport. Caroline has photographed and here's a little taste of the beautiful photos she has taken. I must say that Alice was not quite associate me but the photos still many made beaver. She is herself with her funny little gestures.

month of December came to us with its beautiful white coat. Since Saturday, it snowed in Estrie we have good advantage. Saturday and Sunday, I was dragging my casserole with that said, Mom, it's so, so fun to slide. Today, there was a storm! Alice asked if there was going to ski-doo. With tracks that seem to be closed sides, I do not know if we have the pleasure to enjoy it again this year.

For cons, I find that the month spent a little too fast for my taste. I have not started my Christmas presents and I have NO idea what I will buy. Anyway, as the expression says so "I will arrive at Christmas along with everyone." I am not stressed by this but anyway ... I started thinking about it.

So I leave you with my little message unimportant ... I was looking for an excuse to share with you some pictures .... hee hee hee!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

How To Sew In A Full Fringe Weave

Started ...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Facebook Ideas For Profile

The past weekend we had the pleasure of finding some friends with whom we have forged a bond during our trip China. Here's a quick summary of our weekend in Lac Beauport. We arrived at the cottage on Friday for supper and went back Sunday afternoon. As usual, it was too short ... The days have passed so quickly that I did not feel long enough to talk with my friends. Girls grow up so fast and they operate on all points. Wow! It's beautiful to see. Nathalie Richard and oceans were unfortunately not with us this time. Témiscamingue it away for a weekend "ordinary". It will be resumed at Easter. Fortunately, thanks to Karen and Stephen, we have chats with them over the Internet and see hoe.
Nothing new on the horizon to share this .... Christmas is fast approaching ... we wait! I love the holiday season ....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Use Pusy Pops For Sale


Press Release

No payment for Instits who mentored students last year!!

When supervising trainees 2nd or 3rd in a primary school teacher or mother, the same teachers receive additional compensation for its investment and educational support for students during their internship.
This supplement is paid to the teacher during the next school year!

However, no teacher has received this year to complement his coaching trainees last year.

WHY ?????? After

information taken by the Department of French Community in his office treatments relocated to Mons, I got the information that teachers and kindergartens will not be paid for the time !!!!!!! Dazed


single person who took care of the payments was transferred !!!!!!! It has not been replaced !!!!!!!!!!!!
And thus WE DO NOT KNOW THE TEACHERS TO PAY FOR THE WORK DONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

course, I thought it was a joke at first. ... But just to note that this is the truth and that Instits will not be paid until there is not a person Ministry to pay them!!
I think it borders on the ridiculous ....


I hope that every teacher concerned will challenge his own union ... who apparently already knows!

"By dint of pulling the string ... it will break! "

Director EFLS Lodelinsart
AID Administrator

Friday, November 12, 2010

Large Breasts Size By Country


It is 9:30 p.m. ET I have to sleep my beautiful princess. Before letting sleep, I often ask her what she wants to dream. Tonight, when I asked him the question I was really thrown by his response. She told me this: There was once a small girl named Juliet. She fell asleep in a flower and the flower is gone to the other end of the world. Suddenly, the flower has fallen on an oak leaf. So I asked him: And Juliet? Was she still in the flower? She answers: Yes and she started laughing ah ah ah! ah ah ah You can get Mom, that's what I dream.
No need to tell you that I, too, that's what I'd like to dream ... There are moments in life when we say that being a child is truly magical, but having children, it's beautiful. More and more she matured she has imagination, I love it!

News in Brief:
* I found a new therapist at the Clinic's Multidisciplinary Loupiots Sherbrooke. She assessed and Alice said she had no delay and that the only small problem is that she believes she fell she does anxiety performance. I go to the psychiatrist (a super psy) December 3 .... tuned!
* For those interested, Alice (knock on wood saying it) has practiced more problems falling asleep. Since our meeting at the pediatrician, she took melatonin. It is a natural product and believe it or not but since she is (+ 1 month), she asked herself to go to bed or that she is tired.
* When visiting the pediatrician, they were finally able to measure and weigh it (the crisis was for each time Alice arrived.) She is 103 cm and 35 pounds cies.
* Swimming lessons resumed and the instructor has almost completely deflated the balloon. She made good progress and that means soon it will swim unassisted.
* Last Saturday we went to Beauport in the very cute Zoe Samuel. Her mom took us in pictures. I can not wait to show you this. Alice was not very collaborator but I find the pictures extras anyway.

Meanwhile those of a professional, I leave you with these ...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Stores Sell Wrestling Singlets

The HRC calls! The HRC

Arrests for the next council, Mr. Johan Petri councilor Cdh on:

1. File management "construction" of the school playgrounds TDA
2. The charging structure of photocopiers and photocopying schools

1. Folder of the school yard ADD "

Mr. Chairman,

This inquiry follows the question asked two months ago, during a previous council.

Before I begin my inquiry, I would like to clarify one important thing ... I had echoes that in the last advice I had received the file on this issue ... You can imagine my surprise because I just got through the town clerk, dated Thursday, November 4. .
It seemed important to inform my colleagues ...

But back to the problematic file ...

The construction of playgrounds or school (last of the yard since the construction of the second is stopped) raises, sure you will agree, many procedural questions, even astonishment surprise ...

+ / - 20 000 € for the construction of playgrounds ... Or ... Needed .... YES! I repeat! Necessary for teaching our children ... (In fact, we do not spend enough to teach our county, to paraphrase one of your colleagues).
This is not a budget issue though personally I find the price high enough for this build ...
The problem lies in the procedure ...

If I may, I will summarize to understand the concern ...

1 ° There is no item on the agenda today's college prior work on authorization for construction of a playground at school TDA. I think we can say that there is a procedural error.

2 € 20 000 Sausage in 2 parts: 5000 € for the purchase of equipment using grants awarded under the Framework differential (subsidies that are paid into the municipal account despite what we tried to defend last tip) and + / - 15000 € labor using the fund "league of parents' cash hidden in the municipal account.
Attention brief comment on the subsidies of the D +: Last year we were in a transition year ... Passage of affirmative action to frame differential ... Yes, he had no plans to spend the subsidy ... BUT expenditure should be directly related to the project introduced in the last three years.

How can we make use of a credit union league to carry out work in a public building? The town knows it not fund such a demand for the good of the children of its schools? While expenditures have been made for other schools ... ( I think we do not spend enough for our schools ...)

3 ° No public market! There is a construction project of 20 000 € in a communal building! Even if funding is chopped up!
Anyway, it must be a public market, or there had to avoid slicing the market ... In both cases, there is a procedural error

... Here are three things I want to clarify with you ... Unfortunately, I feel like me again at the beginning of term of office, ... that we are in the same situation as the situation of street Viesville ...

should know that: The group

Cdh approve any renovation in a school building for the sake of children.


Cdh The group can not condone this kind of procedure in the light for the management of a building in a public building. The group
Cdh asked who gave permission without the approval of the college. The group opposes
Cdh "vigorously" in the proceedings of this case:
A. Without the authorization of college
B. Lack of procurement and planning permission
C. Using a credit to finance invisible municipal construction

How Will it clarify?

Cdh group intends to propose to council tonight, the construction of two school yards in TDA capital under communal

Thank you, Mr. Chairman

Johan PETRE,
councilor Cdh

2. Copiers

Mr. Chairman,

Following several questions, I ask you some information regarding the copiers in schools.

a. The town receives many subsidies from functioning. Operation does mean ... run! Yet, I had a chargeback echo of photocopying went directly to schools ... You can imagine my surprise, once again, since the schools do not live in theory money for their own operation. Why do we invoice for photocopying costs and photocopiers to schools? Which banks, schools they reimburse the town?

After analysis, there are many billing schools must refund the fee with a credit invisible. BUT these costs are already subsidized by the Ministry!
Appears in the municipal account two articles in receipts (article 72116148 and 72216148 with the section heading; recover photocopying costs by league parents)
Leagues parents who are administratively has no known cases of local administration, unchecked. ... You all know the term for such accounts as "ghosts."

These are not small amounts. I give you an example to get an idea for 2009:
For all schools: the handover of € 19,457.02 is from ... you understand, what kinds of boxes! And it has been 10 years that it lasts! I leave it to " mathematicians "do the math ...

So, in summary, money enters the municipal account from accounts that do not exist!! 1) The common whitens therefore money is allocated to other expenses. (This is a simple analysis of system revenues and expenditures)
2) The common diverting subsidies from the Ministry of the French community, paid for operating costs for all its schools through slush funds!

I hear the college about this because there is much agreement of the College for this procedure in operation since 2000.

Moreover, another problem, you are well aware of the legislation for two years regarding free basic education and in particular the prohibition of asking parents directly or indirectly from photocopies. With such wording in a communal account I'm not sure that free is current in our municipal education?

The HRC is strongly opposed to this practice, he hopes that no further invoices will be sent to schools.
The HRC offers clarification of administrative funds League schools because they are indispensable for children and teachers our schools when they are legislated!

not forget that these leagues are the result of work of volunteers who want to improve the welfare of children in our schools. It is inconceivable that the money from the bailout school holidays communal account !!!!!!!! THIS MONEY SHOULD BE DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTED TO SCHOOLS OUR CHILDREN !!!!!

b. Second problem: why the amounts of photocopying costs have soared this year

Thank you, Johan Petri
councilor Cdh

Blood In Stool Lump On Testicles

Courcelles procedures to be respected!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ikusa Otome Suvia Vol 04

What a beautiful day!
First this morning, we were thrilled (yes, yes) to see all this beautiful snow white replace our grass green. We have breakfast and we put our snow suits and presto! out! Alice has skied, launched snowballs, playing in his swing in the snow. A large two hours of fun! After dinner, she has "tried" to take a nap before going to the harvest of candy ... but it did not work. So we put our clothes and Halloween are both out in search of decorated houses (there are less and less every year ...). Once trick or treating on foot over, we took the car to go see our friends who live farther away. At 18:00 return home, dinner and bath. In the bath, Gilles Alice had sat on the couch while I went to get his pajama top. Going down guess what? Hey! yes, she slept ... Big day! At least the candy did not too excited. Bye bye

PS: For those wondering about the 2 Alice costumes, the pumpkin costume for the daycare and it was the clown, for tonight. What we would not be fun for our children!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Does A Wart On A Knuckle Look Like?

Halloween Happy Birthday Alice!

Yes, yes, it was the feast of our Alice yesterday October 23 and has already 4 years. Needless to say, we find that time passes quickly because I know you all think the same thing when you watch your little hearts grow. Still, I liked when she was dependent on me, very small and it was just beginning to discover life but I love watching a girl become autonomous. So we cut yesterday in two parts. I wanted to make him a party of friends while in the afternoon, friends came to celebrate. Phew! There was action in the house. They did a DIY Halloween cookies and they have decorated themselves with all kinds of small candies. Let me tell you there were candy! I had all the misery in the world to insert a candle. Alice was very, very, very nervous to have all her friends at her home. Then she allowed a little rest in bed listening to a movie Barbie received as a gift. Second part of the festival is the family who joined us. Grandma, Grandpa Jean-Guy, godmother, godfather, Robin, Isaac and Mary Bernard, Audrey-Anne Olivier. Gifts galore and much of pleasure. Alice was very, very pleased with her party but by lying, she said: Oh! Mom is very tiring two festivals ... Ah ah ah! Indeed, at the end of the evening, she was crying for nothing and hardens more ...
For parents who do not quite know what to give to their great 4 years, Alice has received a digital photo, pencil Leap Frog with story books, 3 films, including Dragon, linen princess, a big dog cat serves as a cushion and Leapster portable game. Sharon and Maya (the caretakers of Alice adored) had arrived to say hello and give him the game Bisou sleep and a nice bag shaped cat. Do not forget that the week Last Suzie, Richard and Elise came to us and they offered him a package of Strawberry Shortcake. She was spoiled the pot is not it? It's good to know that so many people love so much. See you soon!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Get Results Std Tests

Love Letter for our 3-year

Hello my
beautiful love
You're still joined me in my bed this morning and there yet you sleep (8.30). I am so lucky to have you. You slept in my arms and it took me several minutes before realizing that I have all the luck to have you as a child ... You
now almost 4 years and you're a determined little girl. When you want something, you organize yourself to get it and if you can not have it, you do not have a crisis. You're reasonable. Rather independent and still very independent, you organize yourself better and better in life. It is sometimes difficult for you to let Mom or Dad can not help you but we have you to trust us, we are here to help you (and love). You grow up fast and because of all the autonomy you do show you we sometimes seem bigger than what you're in the reality. This week, after telling me that you were hungry, I have found you standing on a kitchen chair ready to fix you a Kraft Dinner alone. You took a dish, pour the macaroni into the dish, opened the envelope (leaving a bit of powder on the counter) and pour the cheese powder on top. It lacked only water and BINGO! Much you love doing things for yourself: you undress, take off your coat in the morning (you're clean on the day but at night c'es more difficult), put the DVD only in the drive, put your shoes, tie you in the car, pick up the phone when it rings, pick up the mail in the mailbox, etc. ... And you're good to all his little things. Your character has not changed much since you're with us. You're always smiling except it happens to you to be more shy and hide behind Mom or Dad when there are foreigners. You have not yet figured out all the great principles of life when it happens on occasion that you had to think about. The crisis that followed is still very noisy cries, tears, blows on the wall, small uproars feet. But it's nothing we have seen more and we know it's for your own good, later you will understand. Together, we are so good, we love to whisper sweet words and that's really you champion: mom I love you all day, for life and for the whole kit!, You're most beautiful mother love, the best mom in the world. Wow! You understand why I said earlier that I was lucky? The word that best describes you in my opinion would be "intensity". You crack in life (and sometimes mom too), when you're happy, it seems, and when thou art not, it also seems like I said above. You're a beautiful girl almost 4 years old who needs the values. You check often so we're happy with you by asking ourselves questions like these: Mom, you think I am wise? You think I play well with my mom snowmen? I repeat that word huh Mom? Kind words are things in your heart? Of course, we spend a lot of time talking to you, watching you and loving you. I'm really proud to see how well you express your feelings, your needs, your disappointments, too. It is truly a delight to have you in my life. When I think it was my most beautiful alarm clock the world, I can only wake me up in a good mood. You lean tied the mattress, and you whispered to me: "My best mom in the world, I love you strong. I opened one eye and you're there watching me with your best heart-shaped mouth ready to give me a big kiss. I do not love my treasure, I adore you!

Monday, October 11, 2010

10 Best Drugstore Eye Creams

a FLOP more!! When will we change??

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Black Gay Men Fisting Each Other

The Fall Newsletter has arrived!