Monday, December 21, 2009

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Statement Cdh the last common council with the CPAS! ARTICLE

COMMUNAL CPAS-December 18, 2009

Excellencies, Ladies and
Gentlemen, Aldermen,
Distinguished Advisors,

By December 10, 2009 meeting of the board of CPAS group CHR abstained from voting on its 2010 budget.
He cautions that this is not due to a distrust of the 2010 fiscal approach itself, but vis-à-vis the future.
It recognizes that this budget is a reflection of the funds required to complete and irreducible social action is our responsibility.

However, for several years, the CPAS has tapped into its reserves maintained by proper management of its expenses, its staff, its services. This budget puts to zero. And this is where our fears are emerging.

We regret that at its meeting on 24 November 2009, the legal committee of joint consultation / CPAS has stopped on an amount of € 3,155,201.06 in CPAS
Leaving the sad duty to empty its free reserves
The communes vis-à-vis the CPAS is 10% below the average for other municipalities. Why just see?

It follows that the CDH group was not convinced that the town raise its share in the future, an amount necessarily essential for the proper maintenance of the Mission of CPAS.
families have faced, until now, the financial crisis. But actually, this crisis is only intensifying for them.
The non-recognition of financial needs will endanger the maintenance of essential social services which in the first place, the support service to families.
What will happen to you it's aging population, the principle of "home care" as long as possible. Although not the only category of users, the majority of these people, it will be impossible to assume, for lack of resources, the cost of 'service vouchers' which also does not meet the needs provided by a trained and qualified personnel.

Dear City Councilors, on your oath you have sworn to uphold the laws. Unfortunately, the failure of the law, too many decisions can be excused. Just listen TV news to know that when we talk about money all documentation is good.

We CPAS Consultants, we are sworn to observe faithfully the duties of our job. Essentially that of helping people in difficulties
We've even given our support to the municipality when its finances were poor. see the recent donation of 500,000 €

Area police say they have more ways to ensure its tasks properly, and unfortunately those closest to the citizens.
know we also have the same situation? The

families we have provided help, must, when their livelihoods are restored, we return the amounts awarded.
Why can not the town it do well especially as a bonus would be the unexpected result for the year 2009?

The future is needed now foresee.
Honourable councilors, give us reason to hope.

But for now we remain skeptical, and for this reason that our group abstained. A yes could be considered "everyone is beautiful, everything the world, it is nice "

No, there are tears in families COURCELLOIS. Do you hear?

Thank you for your attention.


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