Wednesday, December 23, 2009

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Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for this coming in 2010!

Monday, December 21, 2009

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Statement Cdh the last common council with the CPAS! ARTICLE

COMMUNAL CPAS-December 18, 2009

Excellencies, Ladies and
Gentlemen, Aldermen,
Distinguished Advisors,

By December 10, 2009 meeting of the board of CPAS group CHR abstained from voting on its 2010 budget.
He cautions that this is not due to a distrust of the 2010 fiscal approach itself, but vis-à-vis the future.
It recognizes that this budget is a reflection of the funds required to complete and irreducible social action is our responsibility.

However, for several years, the CPAS has tapped into its reserves maintained by proper management of its expenses, its staff, its services. This budget puts to zero. And this is where our fears are emerging.

We regret that at its meeting on 24 November 2009, the legal committee of joint consultation / CPAS has stopped on an amount of € 3,155,201.06 in CPAS
Leaving the sad duty to empty its free reserves
The communes vis-à-vis the CPAS is 10% below the average for other municipalities. Why just see?

It follows that the CDH group was not convinced that the town raise its share in the future, an amount necessarily essential for the proper maintenance of the Mission of CPAS.
families have faced, until now, the financial crisis. But actually, this crisis is only intensifying for them.
The non-recognition of financial needs will endanger the maintenance of essential social services which in the first place, the support service to families.
What will happen to you it's aging population, the principle of "home care" as long as possible. Although not the only category of users, the majority of these people, it will be impossible to assume, for lack of resources, the cost of 'service vouchers' which also does not meet the needs provided by a trained and qualified personnel.

Dear City Councilors, on your oath you have sworn to uphold the laws. Unfortunately, the failure of the law, too many decisions can be excused. Just listen TV news to know that when we talk about money all documentation is good.

We CPAS Consultants, we are sworn to observe faithfully the duties of our job. Essentially that of helping people in difficulties
We've even given our support to the municipality when its finances were poor. see the recent donation of 500,000 €

Area police say they have more ways to ensure its tasks properly, and unfortunately those closest to the citizens.
know we also have the same situation? The

families we have provided help, must, when their livelihoods are restored, we return the amounts awarded.
Why can not the town it do well especially as a bonus would be the unexpected result for the year 2009?

The future is needed now foresee.
Honourable councilors, give us reason to hope.

But for now we remain skeptical, and for this reason that our group abstained. A yes could be considered "everyone is beautiful, everything the world, it is nice "

No, there are tears in families COURCELLOIS. Do you hear?

Thank you for your attention.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

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the new gazette From 12/12/09 "The case management of Travellers in Courcelles."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Does Yoguart Cause Gout

After Touch, Surface, here Bidi screen

For many months, I relayed that information about future uses and new human-machine interface. Today I just discovered a technology from MIT, and allows to interact with 3D objects through a different approach to capture the movements. Instead, look


Monday, December 7, 2009

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What will happen tomorrow

Everyone is entitled to wonder about what will happen tomorrow! What are our tools of communication? Is that computers communicate even faster? The robots will invade our lives-to help us in strenuous or risky? Few of us have the answers ..... but some are beginning already reflect and invent the future!

I speak very often Wygwam, with whom I worked for 4 years now. Multiple poles exist in this society, including the pole along with my dear MVP Christian Renaud, and Philip, the undisputed experts in the SharePoint platform, but also the pole "On line Strategy & Tatics" animated by Aurelian.

This young company (6 years) had a bet a little crazy, that of creating a business model based on continual innovation and without asking for blinders! Today, R & I team works on projects which generally have six months to a year ahead of the market. Others would have collapsed, but this small knit team around Gregory and Gregory, in a surprise to some today! Projects are now starting to emerge from cardboard house. And what was first intended simply to prove that the technical capabilities of team members, will gradually industrialize to come maybe on your PC, Tablet, Smartphone, or even more!

But rather than words, I invite you to listen Redo (Gregory Fox) who was invited two weeks ago to speak on a topic really exciting when Euratechnologies Net 2009.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Foods Taste Metallic?

Bing and PhotoSynth coupled winner against Streetview?

The Battle of the image and the search begins to rage. The "big ones" are starting to understand that what was called "Gadget" by earlier developers, will make all the difference tomorrow to end users. Thus each new day brings its share of novelties, and we realize that some technologies are ripe!

I invite you to discover a new feature Bing (and before you know how Wolfram Alpha will be integrated), who will walk on the flat bands StreetView.

So here you can discover by visiting the beta version of Bing Meta Maps:

But the most surprising is the Photosynth technology is now integrated with Bing. We had been there less than a year, try this format photographic surprising that allows to transcribe view roundabout environments around.

Some examples of Paris and its suburbs are already implemented in the search engine. Here the homepage of the Paris region .

And a picture taken on the fly from the Arche de la Defense.

Rest now make predictions about the rate of adoption of these tools and look at all the advances in parallel tools for augmented reality that we see emerge here and there on Mobile Phones . I would not play Irma on this subject, but it's a safe bet that if these tools are really developed in the context of interoperability, we may see interesting features of the couplings in the coming months ...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What To Write In A Wedding Card To Coworker

SmartOs ... get ready! And now 2010

I can be proud of my colleagues Wygwam ... Here is one of appplications straight from the laboratories of R & I. I have it on my post and I confess that the first feelings are extremely positive!

Let's see it in action!

Letter On Accomodation

It's been a few weeks (months!) No ticket was issued here.

several reasons for this absence.

1) A severe lack of time! I had to spend on more lucrative projects

2) The construction of a V2 product Mase, that whatever people say is time consuming!

3) The speed of publication that I met on the network that I use facebook for more than two years. I know only my "friends" can read me! But on a blog, what is the scope of the ideas I put forward?

4) Innovations that are not significant enough to be highlighted ..

But what will it in 2010, at Google's Wave (as I tested a bit, but that strikes me primarily as a super gadget geeks), Azure (the new development framework "on the cloud MS), tens of touch solutions running on another OS or W7 (I been talking about the creation of this blog) ...

Facing the crisis we all, and that is indeed a "mere" crisis of corporate financing, it is pockets of resistance that are organized and promise a bright future for gadgetologie innovations and all kinds! I think especially anything related to automation, new interfaces, but also the concept that Singularity is a credo of my friend Redo!

Regarding more serious subjects, and in parallel with the web platform Ged I am the author, I will contribute more to the Pole Business of my friends Worker Wyggeurs and 2010 will be a great year for me in two respects parallel since the V2 Mase to be put into production, there will also Ninety version of SharePoint that will be marketed. I already watched the new implementations since the Beta release and return to Las Vegas with my colleagues, and I confess to have been more sensitive to news of the 2010 version, only the ones I could find for beta 2007.

I'll let you know progress on these two points, and I look forward to seeing you very soon