Sunday, June 27, 2010

Can A Mixture Of Parecetamol And Alcohol Kill


I'm on vacation! Aaaaah! How fortunate because I had more than needed. My school year has been pretty ... charged while the holidays are welcome. I intend to enjoy every day to the fullest. Alice has completed the full time daycare for the summer. It will probably one day next week because we leave for the cottage and I need some time alone to prepare all the luggage. I could not wait to be back home with her and also make lots of trips to see friends. Besides, we already have one planned for we shall see Vicky and Charlie Ma Ai-week. YOUPPI! This weekend, we started off with a little trip to the pond Burbank where we saw a baby raccoon and Alice fed the catfish. Then we went to celebrate 6 years of our godson Isaac. It was a nice busy day. For the rest of the holidays, nothing planned. I find it difficult because I usually plan my summer vacation 2-3 months in advance so there ... Anyway, I will decide this week. With that, I leave you with some pictures of our day yesterday. Bye bye

PS: Youppi! Yesterday I successfully booked a trip to Cuba for a week vacation from my boyfriend. We leave July 21 to Varadero .... I can not wait to travel with Alice and most importantly, bring on the beach, she asks me so often.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Once In A Summer Korean Movie Watch Online

My mother always told me (and she knows she has kept children for 35 years) "A child that never learns two things at the same time" . She is right. On the videos, you see Alice in learning letters. For cons, I hear you're asking a lot of questions like: What did she say? Well it's right in that my mother meant. She still has trouble pronounce to be understood but she already knows to write letters and associate them with words. It's funny kids!

A big congratulations to my godson William, who attended last Saturday's challenge head shaved. It has successfully met the challenge! At 15 years, we know how the look is important and you were able to go over the details to accomplish this noble gesture.