Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ultimate Element Puzzle


Here is a preview of the activities that occupy my precious time. As you can see, the relaxation activities are not in my hits. But I do not teach you anything you adults. The whole world knows it is important to move trèèèèèès to stay in shape is not it?

good week and keep fit!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bojangles Fries Seasoning Recipe

Legend of the red ... more

You know the Chinese legend that says: "An invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of time, the place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but never break ... " Last week, there was every indication that this legend is a legend. 4 little princesses from China, 4 mothers and 4 fathers met, regardless miles that separate them from where they live or the circumstances. The thread has built four sets carried by four beautiful girls who are mixed with each other, had fun together and complicity was such that it seemed they were united by a bond that will never break. At each of its meetings, the pleasure is to go but what about the complicity that unites us all young and old ... as if we really had to meet. A beautiful weekend of beautiful weather, a beautiful cottage, great food and lots of laughs! The girls had their egg hunt .... and adults too. Features on the video. PS: Tuesday morning back on the weekend with Alice. Alice: Mom, I still want to go to the cottage! Me: Did you like my love that the cottage? Alice: Ouiiiiiii Me: What did you like best at the cottage? Alice's friends ... Me: me too ... my pot!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

South Park Streaming English With Sub

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dark Brown Hair With Violet

Happy Easter

What a beautiful sunny day! I waited before
rewrite but if I wait too much, I have too much to say in my next message I want very special. In fact, tomorrow we leave for our weekend in St. Donat's friends with China. Youppi! I'll come back to tell you how beautiful this weekend will be held and for the curious (his), I'll put pictures of Alice's friends.
So here I begin by saying that I had my first encounter with the psychologist and veeeeeery she understood what I expressed to him. To summarize, Alice sabotage and we sabotage the sabotage. Huh? What? Well, it sabotages the moments of happiness by beating or bad shots! She has given small exercises to practice and we meet again in a month. Those who would like more details can email me and I will give you pleasure.

We returned from Jamaica last Saturday. We had a very good week very hot and humid. Alice was at my parents and she did it again like a champion. No crisis only a little trouble falling asleep at night (nothing unusual for us). I had prepared small bands calendar with surprises on both days. We had also left him pictures of us and messages on the register. I do not know if all this preparation, which facilitated his week but she was so sweet this week. I would have bitten! She has missed a lot during his vacation. We want to go with her this summer. On the beach in salt water as she puts it.
Spring is truly on our doorstep. It's time to leave the bike, balloons, rubber boots and hanging washing on the line. It's so nice because it reminds me very soon, I'll leave with my love of Alice every day just for me!
Enjoy the Easter holiday!
I thought very special for Marc and Daniel waiting for the phone ... I hope that Coco magic rabbit will allow them to spend even more Happy Easter!

Bye bye